Super Mario Galaxy is a platform video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Wii worldwide in November 2007.. The game was re-released as a Nintendo Selects title in 2011, and as a download via the Wii U's eShop in 2015. The story revolves around the protagonist, Mario, who is on a quest to rescue Princess Peach whilst simultaneously saving the universe from Bowser.The levels in the game consist of galaxies filled with minor planets and worlds, with different variations of gravity, the central element of gameplay. The concept for the game's use of spherical platforms was first conceptualised from ideas used in Super Mario 128, a technology demonstration shown at Nintendo Space World in 2000.Legal Disclaimer:This app is not an official guide or at all associated with the game's developer or publisher. All descriptions, graphics, and information are copyright to their respective owners and usage for this app falls within fair use guidelines. All graphics used in this app are 100% user created. This app is created solely for the creators love of the game and to help others further develop their skills at the game.